B-iced GmbH
The master class was prepared in the Marshmallow Workshop
The master class was prepared in the Marshmallow Workshop
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Do you want to know the robot's own home fire? Once you have checked all the ingredients of the drug, the zephyr is not a real devil треба?
We were prepared for what was a special master class, which was all pink особливості приготування зефіру, обговоримо найпоширеніші помилки і поділимося корисними порадами. Master class is based on two cabinets. The description of what you can do - you can see the details of the cabinet in these parts одну. Details can be found here.
Trivalist майстер класу: два дні, по три години кожна частина (загалом 6 годин)
Мова: decoration
Місце: кафе "B-iced", Rennbahnstr 21, 13086 Berlin
Time and date:
Event 1: November 26th, 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m учасників)
Castina 2: 07.12, 11:00-14:00 (during the evening)
Grade 10: 10
Діти: For small people, you can go to the coffee shop and eat it помалювати, подивитися книжки та поліпити тісто
Castine 1:
- Знайомство
- The head of the master's class: the most advanced of the children, This means that Zephyr doesn't have anything to do with it
- Інвентар: що потрібно для приготування зефіру вдома, що можна замінити
- Інгредієнти: що є обов'язковим, що можна замінити, трохи професійної теорії
- From the point of view of the zephyr: it is a classic technology, which is also known as the king of the earth
- The process and the recipe for the animal to be eaten
- Відсадка зефіру, типові помилки та як їх уникати
- Стабілізація, умови стабЖлізації
- Фінальні кроки: з'єдднання половинок, перевірка стабЖлізації
- Умови і терміни зберігання
Castina 2:
- Аналіз домашнього завдання і помилок
- Обговорення різних смаків зефіру, робота з різними ягодами та складання recipes
- Унікальні форми зефіру: різдвяні грибочки, Зжачки, шишки, гноми
- Лайфхаки та секрети
- СтабЖлізація і фарбування
- This is the decoration of the boxes
- Правила зберігання оформленого зефіру
From the master class you can read:
- Кава та чай від нашої команди
- Зефір, який в виготовите, в забираєте із собою
- Подальша онлайн підтримка
Have you always wanted to learn how to make real homemade zefir (Ukrainian marshmallows)? Or have you tried it before, but the result was not as hoped?
We have prepared a special workshop for you, where we will discuss all the peculiarities of making zefir, reveal common mistakes and share practical tips. You can find all the details below. The workshop is divided into two parts. You can decide based on the description whether you want to take part in both parts or just one.
Duration of the workshop: Two days, 3 hours each (total 6 hours)
Language: Ukrainian (Russian on request)
Location: Café "B-iced", Rennbahnstr. 21, 13086 Berlin
Date and time: Part 1: November 26th, 16:00
Part 2: December 3rd, 16:00
Number of participants: Maximum 10 people
Children: For our younger guests, the café has a children's corner where they can paint, look at books or play with modeling clay.
Workshop program:
Part 1:
- Introduction and objectives of the workshop
- Common mistakes and why homemade zephyr often fails
- Required equipment: What is important and what can be replaced?
- Ingredients: Which are indispensable and which are interchangeable? Insight into the theory
- Types of Zephyr: Classic and boiled methods – When is which technique the best choice?
- step-by-step recipe with important details
- Forms of the Zephyr and how to avoid mistakes
- stabilization and storage
Part 2:
- Feedback on the “homework”, your questions.
- Different types of zephyr and working with different fruits and berries
- Creative shapes: Christmas figures such as mushrooms, hedgehogs, pine cones, dwarves
- life hacks
- Tips for stabilization, coloring
- packaging tips
- Tips for storing Zefir
Included in the workshop:
- tea and coffee
- You can take the homemade Zefir with you
- Online support after the workshop
Important product information
Important product information
Information about ingredients and allergens: please click here
Please note that the mirror glaze creates its own unique pattern each time, so the final product and the handmade decorations of the cakes and desserts may look different from what you see in the photo.